The Color of Change

January 25, 2021

the color of change.jpeg

An explosion of blues creating positive change in a world that comes to life through diversity in race, gender, backgrounds, cultures and opinions.

I’m excited to share my latest painting. I had a significant moment of clarity while working on this piece on Inauguration Day, Jan 20, 2021. As I painted that day, the concept of the piece crystallized like none of my other paintings have before. 

This piece is about the the power of diversity in our society. Just as diversity makes our world richer, more interesting and more exciting, my painting came to life only once I added rich brown tones to the piece.

The Color of Change started as an experiment in color and proportion. I pushed myself to simplify my color palette and work with more subtle, neutral tones while painting using big body movements, large tools and bold, dynamic elements.

The evolution of a piece is always exciting and interesting to witness. Just as a painting unfolds seemingly on it own, the message becomes clearer the closer it gets to completion. I didn’t start it with a particular image or message in mind. I simply allowed the message and the painting to emerge organically. I let the paint speak, and the paint spoke loud and clear.


Now on billboards across Atlanta!


My first solo art exhibition is now live!