Oh, Manganese Blue! Where have you been all my life?!

April 10, 2019


“Manganese blue
A heavenly hue
Bright spring sky”

— Cristina

How have I gone this long without hearing about Manganese Blue?! It’s a gorgeous color—almost a bright cyan— which, apparently, can’t be mixed with other colors.

I found Manganese Blue when I was envisioned painting a beautiful, bright, cyan sky, but I couldn’t get the saturation I was looking for. So frustrating! I knew just what color I wanted, and there was no way to mix it with the colors I had. Argh! Cerulean Blue wasn’t even cutting it.

So, I did some research and found MANGANESE BLUE! My new favorite blue hue! Oh, so much I can do! Cindy Lou Hoo would like it, too!

Of course, as soon as it arrived from Amazon (’cause who wants to DRIVE to a store these days!), I immediately opened the tube that shone a bright spring sky! Oh, the beauty! And of course, a complete swatch set was next.

Look at this gorgeous palette! A yummy set of blues and aquas. Manganese Blue, along with Permanent Rose are now my two favorite colors.

The painting I’m working on is about to get so much bright happiness added to it!

With all my excitement, of course I had to compose an ode to my new favorite hue in the form of a poem. Happy spring skies!


Finding my personal painting style


My first commission is approved!