Another new first for me!

August 11, 2020

I had another first this week! And it’s pretty exciting! I was featured in an article

I’ve never been interviewed for or featured in an article before. To have my first feature be for painting and for being part of the ArtPop Street Gallery exhibition is pretty thrilling. It’s a great feeling to see my work displayed on the ARTS ATL homepage, especially since I’m usually the one behind the scenes designing home pages, not featuring on them!

I still can’t believe that my work is on billboards all around Atlanta. It feels so surreal to have my work displayed to the public on such a large canvas. I don’t think it’ll ever feel real.

Thank you, ArtPop Street Gallery and all the outdoor advertisers for giving so many artists this extra large canvas and unique platform to share our work with our city. I’m forever grateful for this opportunity.


ArtPop Street Gallery started in 2014, the program makes art more accessible to the public while supporting local artists. What a cool mission! Bonus, it’s also a safe way to view art during a pandemic!

A big thank you to ArtPop Street Gallery, Cultural Arts Council Douglasville/Douglas County, Douglas County Tourism & Film and for the generous donations made by media companies who’ve donated the media space that make this program possible. Thank you to Clear Channel Outdoor for my static vinyl billboard on Windy Hill Road. And thank you to Integration Media, Lamar Advertising, OUTFRONT Media, Clear Channel Airports, Blackbird Media Digital, and Link Media who have donated all the other digital ad spaces.


Virtual learning brought growth far beyond my expectations


A tiny party celebrating my ArtPop Street Gallery billboard